More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
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More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Hime‑chan’s Ribbon ]
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More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Goldfish Warning! ]
FH29 and HCR19 are finally out! BTW there are some people who think they can't watch things until someone reposts them on YouTube etc., but that's not true. Basically, anyone can download our releases easily. If you don't know how, here's a step-by-step how-to.
More info about [ This release | Hime‑chan’s Ribbon ]
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
Being a fansub group means contending with all kinds of difficulties, one of which is real life. Currently our chief quality‐checker, AKA da’ boss, and encoder (among others) are very busy dealing with their work and lives.
This means we can’t get our releases encoded and stamped with the chief’s seal of approval as easily, causing delays.
Don’t fret, however, as the show will and must go on. If our current situation continues, we will do the best we can with our hard‐working available members to keep things running and get things released.
This is already in the RC (Release Candidate) 2 stage. Both RC1 and 2 were encoded and checked by several QCers including the chief QCer. RC2 was already very good, and RC3 should be the final. So we will probably encode RC3 within a few days (maybe on Friday UTC), without waiting for the chief’s approval, and will release it.
The FH29 (RC1) script is 100% ready to encode. FH30 was translated, edited, and checked and ready to typeset. FH29 RC1 will be (hopefully) encoded today. Usually RC1 is not the final, but we will release RC2 (or RC3 if RC2 is not the final) as soon as possible. We will try to release both FH29 and FH30 in May. We do hope our boss will be back before that, but if we have to, we may have to release FH without him.
GfW26 RC1 was already encoded and checked by several QCers including our currently‐missing boss. RC2 will be encoded soon, and (again) if the main QCer is not available, we will release it after checked by other QCers. If a problem is found in RC2, there will be RC3, but we should be able to release GfW26 too shortly.
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Floral Magician Mary Bell ]
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This Release | Goldfish Warning! ]
We plan to resume Hime-chan’s Ribbon (HCR; Original Title=Hime-chan no Ribon) by February 2009. Actually it was not “stalled” at all. About when we were doing HCR18, we were contacted by a certain company who said they had a plan to release R1, which of course meant we had to stop fansubbing the show. But apparently, it's not going to be licensed after all. So stay tuned!
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
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